What a magnificent Epiphany (“Manifestation of Christ”) our good Pope Francis has given us in his Christmas homily to the human family.
Francis is basically saying that Christianity is not about morality as we have been taught in the past. That is going to shock a lot of people who cling to their virtue as their reward. Rather, Francis seems to be telling the whole human family that we are All going to heaven as a free Gift (Grace) and that even now on earth we can begin experiencing heaven all the way to heaven because we are identified so closely with Christ with whom we are Oned as His Image and are the same Love that He is living intimately within each of us, through us and disguised as our own True Self. In theology whoever is “in Christ” = “is Christ” because God cannot be divided or separated.
The Pope’s Christmas message is extremely important for us: It Rocks! Francis is confirming our own experience and countless Saints in our Catholic mystical tradition.
Hope your celebration of the Christmas Season becomes more and more joyous as you listen to the Silent Presence of Christ in Centering Prayer, there with you so intimately close that He is more you than you are yourself! Our Love for you guys has its source in our intimate Christ who delights to make His home in the bottom of our hearts where He pours out His warmth and compassion into your own innermost being.