OUR HERMIT MONK, FR. DENIS WALSH, was born to eternal life on Sunday, February 27, 2023. We miss his wise counsel but are confident he continues to pray for us and our mission.
Our hermit friend began his contemplative God-search 57 years ago with the Trappists at the Abbey of Gethsemani, where Thomas Merton was his novice master. After six years and his simple vows completed at the Abbey, he sought more solitude living as a Camaldolese hermit, where he was ordained and then independently ordained a Bishop under the Code of Canon Law #603.
In sharing these thoughts on contemplation via his personal letters, he was inspired by Thomas Merton and his echo, James Finley. During his long life, he wished to remain anonymous in order to preserve his God-given eremitical calling to solitude and the hermit’s urgent need to open his awareness to the intimate love affair our abiding God is initiating within our innermost being from moment to moment.
Our hermit friend was drawn to the James Finley DVD because he considers him an authentic experiential echo of Merton, and the DVD to be a blessing for the human family (see below).
Following the Mystics through the Narrow Gate by James Finley, et al.